In this post, my wife Autumn Clark, COO of Malehanger, is going to give her perspective on how to tell your partner that you are stretching your penis.
As with many topics, it all depends on the situation. Is you partner living with you? Are you married to your partner? Do you feel safe telling your partner? Yes, I said “safe”. Whether your partner is male or female, you may still not feel “safe”. The suggestions I am going to give you here are based from my perspective as a female and from my personal thoughts. Everyone’s situations are going to be different, but in the end, usually honesty is always the best policy as they say.
We will get to the answers for How Should I Tell My Partner I Am Stretching My Penis?
First, let’s start with “why” you want to use Malehanger. Is it purely to gain length? Are you looking for better function? You need to fully understand the “why” before talking with your partner. Once you are ready to explain the “why”, then you can think about when is best to tell your partner.
Let’s talk about the situations mentioned above. To keep things simple, if your relationship is new, you might not want to tell something so personal so soon, so don’t feel like it is absolutely necessary to divulge your penis enhancement journey just yet. If your new partner seems pretty open-minded to holistic approaches to things or new things in general, then you might find it easy to go ahead and tell them up front. I mean, at least before you “whip it out” for the first time as they say.
For more committed or live-in relationships, I would suggest approaching it gently, especially if there has been any intimacy issues as of recent. Let you partner know, that you wanted them to know you are going to practice penis hanging for “insert your why from above here”. Let them know that, as long as you do your sessions safely, that your penis will function as it always has. Let them know how it works and invite them to be present as you hang, if you feel comfortable with it. And if at anytime you experience tissue fatigue, let them know when you have reached that point and that you may be extra sensitive at that time.
Penis stretching, weight hanging, whatever you want to call it, is still a mostly unexplored practice. Because of this, it can be hard to explain and not always easy to understand. For me, it has always been easiest to explain like this – if my partner wanted to be healthier, they might go to the gym and lift weights. The result, they are going to gain muscle and their arms or whatever areas they work are going to be bigger, especially if they go up in weight. As expected, their appearance will change and their endurance will improve. That is the goal of using Malehanger for penis enlargement.
I want to close by adding that, just because you desire to make a change to your body – whether by getting a tattoo, surgery, weight loss, etc. – that does not mean that you have made that choice because you are unhappy with your partner in any way. It also doesn’t have to mean you are unhappy with yourself either. It simply means you want to try something to see if it is right for you and what results you will get.